Why Ducks?

The goal was to connect as many of the human population as possible, even those without electricity. Animals are useful in this way, plus they can act as cute maskots.

After a meticulous research among the possible candidates, ducks were chosen over dogs, frogs and other mammals for their multi-terrain adaptability, beign able to walk, swim and fly. Apes were close candidates due to their intelligence superiority but the training required to operate boats and aircrafts proved challenging. Unicorns are not real and thus an invalid option from the beginning.

Ducks have the benefit of a low-cost maintenance while also adding to reduntancy due to their habit of laying at least one egg per day until the cluch is full, creating a safety-last, multiple-points-of-failure, duck-overcommitment approach.

The resources allocation is 14% of the duck population to lay eggs, 37% for long-distance flights and 64% for short-distance flights.

Img Chain Layer Env. Friendly
Chainlink Chainlink 3 OK
Polygon Polygon 2 OK
Bitcoin Bitcoin 1 No
Polkadot Polkadot 0 OK
Duckycoin DuckyCoin -1 Yes
Chain Mint Times
Stenography over Cryptography

DuckyCoin strives to be as environmentally friendly as possible, so the classic pen and paper model is utilized. Stenography was chosen for its simplicity compared with the act of writing hexadecimals on paper and trying to decode them without internet access in some cases.

Steganography was the runner-up and will most likely be included in Version 3 of the protocol, planned for February 31 2025, as will some emojis and hieroglyphs. At the time of writing, however, we adhere to the VEST guidelines, transporting stenographically signed letters with our beaked friends.

# Contract Type Command Level Coding Style
1 Smart High Good
2 Dumb Low Good
3 Dumber Low Bad
Stupidity: the how-level language

Stupidity is a new programming language based on Assembly, Python and Monty Python. It is both a high and low level language (how-level).

Using Stupidity you can create healthy and robust schemes for maximum explosion and easily convince people that they are not scams or rug pulls.

The Stupidity SDK and Pyramid Scheme Creator will also be available at the 5th quarter of 2024 to facilitate the development of dApps with Ducks!

Introducing Dumb Contracts

Dumb contracts are contracts with opcode optimization using food fees, the equivalent of gas fees but for ducks. They are "Dumb" due to their low-level nature.

Dumber contracts are the same, but their coding style is on purpose abhorrently bad and are used as ways to avoid writing code.

Chain Mint Times

DuckyCoin introduces an innovative chain structure based on pyramids instead of blocks. Each pyramid can chain with two more pyramids instead of only one block, almost doubling in scalability. This also improves on security, stability and decentralization by at least 4.1%, also enabling inoperability among all pyramid schemes.

The pyramid mint time is calculated using the average flying speed, for a six and a half average hour flight per day. One and a half hours of encoding-decoding letters is added. Swim and walk speeds are not taken into account. Actual mint time varies depending on weather conditions.

Sample Stupidity Code

#if user tries to rug pull
#do not let them
if(rug_pull($user) == True) then:	

#if wallet becomes a millionaire
#sell 100% of funds and do not return
bool function rug_pull(Address addr)	
if(addr.money >= 1000000) {	
	return False;

#include dumb.stpd
IF [[$DUCC < 10]] THEN:
  GOTO Start;
  GOTO Bahamas;
Chain Mint Times

The project is backed by the unstablecoin Feather and created by Andromeda Research Labs.

What Polkadot did with the Web 3.0 foundation, DuckyCoin copied with Web 3.14 - the web of memes. We also proudly announce a partnership with the RaspberryPi foundation and PiCoin to promote the 3.14 vision and ideals.

DuckyCoin aims to be the #2 memecoin and is already traded in CEXes, DEXes and SEXes like bitconnect, bitdisconnect, binance, trinance, defiswap, quickswap, cowswap, waffleswap, pancakeswap, sushiswap, uniswap, mooniswap, moonyswap and howmanyarethereswap.

This information is of course mostly untrue and not real for now. However, most offers are acceptable and every offer will be considered, so feel free to contact us!

# Name Prediction Reality
1 DuckyCoin Basic Basic
2 Baird Business Easy
3 Coinbureau Medium-Easy
4 Voidzilla Medium
5 Coffezilla Medium-Hard
6 Asmongold Medium-Rare
7 Elon Musk Hard
8 John Oliver Very Hard
9 Donald Trump Very Very Hard
10 Donald Duck Impossible
Flightpaths instead of Roadmap

DuckyCoin uses an innovative way of letting others discover it. Instead of spending funds for promotion, we encourage people to encourage other people to mention us in social media. For some special cases, we have predicted the order and the possibility of that happening.

If your name is included on the table, say or write the phrase "flightpath obtained" in your prefered way of mentioning.

If your name is not included, change the phrase to "flightpath discovered".


Ducks are cute and liked by everyone. We were inspired by this video mid March 2024 to create our own coin, so here we are.

No one can compete with the king. Always be humble.

Yes! We certainly are going to make it. We don't know about anyone else, though.

Watch this video for simple economics, adhering to the VEST protocol. In simple terms, early investors win while late investors ... wait. Also the crypto world is crazy and we have no control if one big swimming mammal comes and messes things up. Always invest what you can and never, ever, EVER think you are 100% safe while "investing" in memecoins.

Nope. HOWEVER, we will be selling at certain points. Believe it or not, setting all of this up costs time and money. And time is money, so it cost even more money. Also getting listed on excanges costs even morer money. Sadly, everything costs money.

It has the value people attribute to it. If it made you laugh, one could argue it already has some value. It can act as a high-risk "investment", as can all cryptocurrencies, memecoins most of all. But is it usefull in some way? No, not for now. There are plans however, so stay tuned!

Thanks! Ducky to the moon!
Background Image - Developed and Designed by Andromeda Research